Brazil House build project

Brazil Project: Renovating La Casa de Idê

A key part of our ethos as a business is investing back into the communities that produce our coffee beans, sometimes this looks like helping with equipment that helps them in their coffee production, other times it involves partnering with them by helping people in their communities who are most in need.

One of our latest projects has been working with Athos, Luiz and their friends in the community we have helped play a small part in renovating a home for a family that was really suffering with poor health and financial difficulties.

Amanda says:

“This is Mrs Ide and her daughter Adriana who has additional needs. She has suffered a great deal in her life. Having lost her husband 3 years ago and having had a heart attack herself. If it had not been for the assistance from my mother she would not have been able to survive. She has become like family to us and we are helping to give her the decent home that she deserves.  

We have completely rebuilt her home from scratch as her existing house did not have any foundations. A group we formed from the city hall as well as friends were contributing everything to the project. My family started this project to help her as her house was sinking and there was a danger that she and her house may completely sink underground. But now that group that was helping has stopped.

Thank God we have very good people in this group helping! It’s a miracle from God! I just have to thank everyone who decided to help us with this action! This is a miracle for us, there are still very good people in this world! I only have gratitude!”

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