Newsletter: Improving coffee, improving lives

February 2018

Improving Coffee, Improving Lives

Our Kilimanjaro coffees are exceptional high grown Arabicas and cup consistently high year after year. This year’s trip was a reflective one after 10 years in Tanzania, and we were able to map the increased quantity and quality of the crop, especially from the smallholders higher up the mountain slopes.

Now, as Ethical Addictions coffee brewery, we have only ever bought the higher grades (AA / AB / PB) but the percentage of their overall crop reaching that standard was at an all-time high this year.

It comes to us following its diligent processing by the farmers to ensure excellent selection, utmost care to washing and gentle drying under the African sun. We expect this crop to land with us in the UK in early March, and first cupping shows the usual strong, bold coffee with its subtle hints of dark chocolate and orange.

Quality of Life

How good our coffee is, is important to us as coffee drinkers, as a business, for our customers, and because it offers a sustainable way to help those who work hard to grow it. That’s why we have endeavoured to build a business that does coffee, trade and social action excellently. Ian’s recent trip to Tanzania did all of the above – checking quality, agreeing the trade, and digging furrows for the latest water project – literally!

For more on the water projects and some of the villagers it has helped, including photos and video, simply click on the links on the right hand side of this journal.

Coffee prices held for 2018

We have already booked our main shipments for the year and managed to save a little on the exchange rate to offset any increase necessary.

Meet Chief Mushi

In honour of the work EA has done in Mweka for the past 10 years Ian was surprised to be made a chief in the Chagga tribe. We think he looks great and should wear his tribal dress in the office!

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