A well-maintained espresso machine is essential to making the perfect coffee.
At EA, for a long time now we have had our own espresso engineers and barista trainers to help with everything from looking after your machine through to getting your grind and extraction right, to texturing your milk for a super smooth flat white.
And now we are able to offer PSSR safety pressure testing in-house.
It is a requirement of HSE, under the PSSR Act 2000, that any equipment under pressure be safety tested annually, so we can now easily add this on to your annual service.
Delivery & Installation of new equipment
Pre-install advice
Call-outs and fixing problems
Annual service
Coffee equipment repairs
Water filter exchange
Spare parts
Grinder blades
PSSR safety valve testing (and replacement if nedeed)
Barista training
Call one of the EA team 01452 280026

*we promise to only use a hammer as a last resort